How Do You Get a Magazine to Review Your Book

Getting your book reviewed is a crucial step in your book marketing strategy. Positive reviews tell readers that your volume is worthy of their fourth dimension, entice your potential audition with plot descriptions, and give you instant brownie. Merely at that place's more to the book review process than simply sending your book off to a reader and waiting for the result. First, you demand to ensure that your volume is ready for to be reviewed. Second, information technology's important to choose the type of review that will best help you lot reach your goals. And finally, you need to acquire how to use your reviews to your advantage to sell more books.

Earlier you ship your book off to a reviewer, make sure y'all're putting your best pes forwards. Subsequently all, you lot can't receive a rave review if your book has been shoddily prepared.

i. Have Your Volume Edited for Content

Certain, you can ask your friends and family to read your volume and give you feedback. But the truth is this: friends and family unit lie. They don't want to hurt their loved i'south feelings and will sugarcoat their feedback accordingly. Pay for professional feedback to make sure your book is the all-time information technology tin be. Professional editors will tell you lot what is working and what needs revision—and they won't pull their punches. Which is exactly why y'all hire them.

ii. Rent a Copyeditor

A professional copyeditor checks your concluding work to make sure everything is spelled correctly, the punctuation is perfect, y'all haven't used words incorrectly, and so on. A professional copyeditor is not your friend who is an English language instructor. Copyediting is an art unto itself and requires someone who knows the book earth. Information technology provides the smoothen your work needs to requite you the best take a chance at a positive review. After all, nothng robs you lot of kredabilty faster then turrible spelling like this! Whatever else you practice, practice not skip this step.

3. Rummage the Book for Weird Formatting Tics

Nosotros receive many books with random bolded or italic words. Writers seem to experience that such furnishings help emphasize a word or line (and sometimes, to be honest, they are so random that we tin't figure out why they were used!). Expert writing speaks for itself, without such crutches. Overuse of these formatting tools signals to a reviewer that you are an amateur—and he or she will likely judge the remainder of your volume accordingly.

4. Assign the Correct Book Genre

To find the right reviewer, book review editors must know the book'south genre. Merely independently publishing authors often give their books the wrong label. They phone call it a mystery when it'southward really a thriller, or general fiction when it's really romance. Book review editors work difficult to find the perfect match between book and reviewer. Without the right information, they are greatly handicapped in getting you a off-white review. (Give a person who loves literary fiction a romance, and you'll know what we mean!) With the incorrect label on your book, you lot are undermining your own hopes of a good review.

5. Purchase an ISBN

An ISBN is a cataloguing tool used by bookstores, libraries, online retailers, and more. You need an ISBN for each edition of your volume (hardcover, ebook, audiobook…) The numbers identify the edition of the book likewise as the publisher to whom the numbers were sold (which is one of the reasons that it's vital to own your own ISBN). Many of import databases require an ISBN in order to list your book for sale, including Ingram, Bowker, and others. These databases as well include reviews that help industry professionals make book-buying decisions. Without an ISBN, you lot are missing out on an important fashion to apply your review.

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half-dozen. Institute a Social Media Presence

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest—these are all not bad ways to get the discussion out about your review. Set upwardly your accounts while y'all're in the writing process and permit your followers know that the book is coming. Share some of your setbacks and triumphs with them. Then, one time you have a review, they will be interested in the issue and share your joy in whatsoever praise you receive. If you lot've laid the proper groundwork, they might share the review as well!

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vii. Ready Accounts on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound

It's important to take your book available at these pop selling venues. Amazon is the number 1 place people buy books online, Barnes & Noble is the largest chain bookstore in North America, and Indiebound contributes sales to independent booksellers. Gear up your author page, including your author bio and book description. You tin then quickly update it with blurbs from any positive comments you receive once you've had your book reviewed.

Choosing the Correct Blazon of Review

Now that your book is ready to send, information technology's time to consider what type of review volition serve y'all all-time. Not all volume reviews are created equal. There are two types of book reviews: crowdsourced reviews andprofessional person reviews.As an indie writer, the type of review you solicit depends on your writer goals. Here'southward a rundown of both kinds of volume reviews and the specific needs they run into best.


  • Crowdsourced reviews can convince readers to buy your volume. If the reviews are particularly persuasive and numerous, readers browsing through Amazon or Barnes & Noble might buy the book simply from these reader recommendations. Likewise, readers on Goodreads might add it to their "must-read" list.
  • They offer many opinions. Reading is a personal experience. What some like, others may detest. With crowdsourced reviews, you get many chances for readers to write positive things about your volume, even if some don't appreciate your work.
  • They help you lot with your ranking. The more online reviews y'all receive and the more positive they are, the higher your book will climb on the charts and the more than people will see information technology. This tin be hugely beneficial to your book sales.


  • They don't have the same cache as a professional review. While crowdsourced reviews can exist used on yourauthor websiteorbook marketing materials(especially if you lot tin can say something similar "My book received 300 5-star reviews on Amazon!"), they don't carry the same weight every bit reviews by professional critics. (Compare a positiveblurbon a volume jacket credited to John Smith to one from The New York Times. The latter is clearly much more impressive.)
  • They aren't used past librarians and booksellers. Industry professionals rarely rely on crowdsourced reviews to make volume-ownership decisions. They lean on reviews from sources they trust, such as those from mainstream media and trade publications. Magazines like Library Journal, Publisher's Weekly,and Booklistcarry considerable weight.
  • The feedback y'all'll receive can be frustrating and contradictory. Crowdsourced reviews are exactly that: reviews from members of a oversupply. Some are competent; others, well, not and so much. You may go sick-informed reviewers who simply hate your volume for no good reason and are happy to share their opinion with the globe—and unnecessarily dash your self-esteem in the process. You are more likely to trust the feedback you go from professional reviews, every bit they are written by those who regularly read the genre and are knowledgeable well-nigh books in general.
  • Readers don't always trust them. Readers know that crowdsourced reviews are frequently solicited from the author'south friends and family unit. For this reason, they tend to take them with a grain of salt, specially when at that place aren't many reviews on your page.


  • Booksellers and librarians rely on them. Manufacture professionals want reviews written by verifiable sources they trust, rather than by random readers. Equally noted to a higher place, they pay close attention to reviews from mainstream media, trade publications, and paid reviews from sources they respect.
  • You tin can use them to solicit other reviews. If yous receive a positive professional review, you can quote information technology on printing releases used to solicit other reviews. A review praising your book and credited to the Chicago Tribune,for example, will catch a book department editor'due south attending far more than than a review from Amazon reader Jane Doe.
  • They are great on your volume marketing materials. You can use them on your author website, bookmarks, press releases, your volume'sback cover, and other marketing materials. While readers are unlikely to be impressed by an unknown proper name on a bookmark, they will pay attending to a known reviewer or review establishment.
  • The feedback is oft more valuable. Since information technology'due south from a professional source, you can count on receiving an unbiased, thorough review from someone who knows what they're talking about and can articulate and back up their criticisms.


  • A professional person review reflects simply i person'southward opinion. Again, reading is a personal upshot and i man's treasure is some other'south trash. Professional volume reviews tin be hard to come up by, then you don't have the advantage of hearing from many voices. If you lot get a reviewer who simply doesn't similar your style, information technology can feel devastating.
  • They can be hard to obtain. As newspaper and mag books pages increasingly disappear, fewer books are being reviewed.Bloggers, too, are overwhelmed with queries. Self-published books are rarely chosen for review in any case, due to the overwhelming number of traditionally published books that demand attention. Paid services were established to even the playing field, simply they tin can be expensive, so information technology tin be difficult to get more than one or two.
  • They don't affect your ranking on Amazon. Professional person reviews are displayed in the "Editorial Reviews" section of your Amazon page. While they are impressive and important to include, they don't impact your ranking on Amazon the way crowdsourced reviews can.

The best strategy is to get both kinds of reviews. The discussion shouldn't be crowdsourced book reviews vs. professional book reviews, it should be most crowdsourced book reviews AND professional person book reviews.

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xi Ways to Make the Most of Your Volume Reviews

One time you've obtained reviews, don't allow them go to waste! They are invaluable marketing tools and offer important feedback on how well you have achieved your goals as an writer. Hither's how to make the well-nigh of your book reviews:

1. Add Excerpts from Rave Reviews to Your Book Cover

If you have received positive professional person reviews (vs. those written past readers at large), mail service excerpts from these reviews on the front or dorsum embrace of your book. They are bound to take hold of the middle of potential buyers. 1 note: Avoid using excerpts from friends on the back of your books, considering readers are likely to surmise that you couldn't detect anyone else to vouch for yous.

ii. Include Book Reviews on Your Author Website

Your author website should accept a tab at the top of the site labeled "Book Reviews" that takes readers to excerpts or links to full reviews. The more professional reviews y'all post at that place, the more seriously readers will take your volume.

iii. Use Volume Reviews on Social Media

Reviews are bang-up provender for social media. Posting a review on your Facebook page, for case, gives yous another style to remind your Facebook friends that you have a new volume out there. Write a teaser, such as: "Just got a great book review from XXX. They praised my 'vivid scene building and relatable characters'!"; and then include a link to the full review. Practise the same on Twitter and other platforms.

iv. Include Book Reviews in Press Releases

When contacting bloggers, mainstream press, bookstores, and librarians almost your book, it's useful to send a press release about your title, which informs them almost you and your book at a glance. A compelling extract from a professional review at the top of the printing release will draw them in. And if you accept many glowing reviews, attach a dissever page to the press release with a full list of impressive excerpts.

5. Use Reviews on Marketing Materials

Use an excerpt from a positive review on postcards to announce book signings, bookmarks, advisory sheets, shelf talkers, and other marketing materials.

6. Employ Volume Reviews to Get More than Reviews

One keen review is awesome. Three or four are better. Use your first review to entice other reviewers, as in: "My book just received a rave review from 30, which called me 'the Ernest Hemingway for the millennial generation.' Can I send you a copy for review?" You are much more probable to pique a reviewer's involvement if y'all already take a glowing review. It assures them that your book volition be worth their time and attention.

7. Use Reviews to Arroyo Booksellers and Librarians

Booksellers and librarians are busy people. They can't peradventure read every book that comes beyond their desks. Instead, they rely on reviews to assist them detect great books for their patrons. If y'all are asking booksellers and librarians to stock your volume, positive professional reviews volition impress them far more than you lot personally describing your book at length and telling them that all your friends and family unit loved it. (And hither'due south a bonus tip: avoid the latter at all costs; this will immediately peg you equally an amateur.)

8. Include Book Reviews on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Reviews are critical to attracting attention on these bookseller sites. Be sure crowdsourced reviewers post their reviews at the bottom of these pages, which volition assistance your ranking and give readers some real-people feedback. Both Amazon and B&North sites besides accept designated spots for professional person reviews most the top, separate from reviews written by consumers. These are as important to mail service, as readers know immediately that they come from unbiased sources and comport more weight than consumer reviews.

9. Add Reviews to Your Book Metadata

If you get a adept professional review, there's a place for you to add it to your book metadata in your IngramSpark title tape. While reviews aren't required pieces of metadata, they are extremely helpful in advertising your volume online to retailers, librarians, and readers.

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10. Utilize Reviews to Boost Your Confidence

Authors often tell us a positive review helped them gain confidence they had previously lacked. Writing is, by nature, a lonely endeavor. It'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to permit self-doubt creep in. A positive review provides wonderful validation of your hard work and can requite you the conviction to submit your book to contests and promote it elsewhere with vigor.

eleven. Use Reviews to Amend Your Piece of work

If your review wasn't as positive equally you'd hoped, don't despair. It'due south never a waste of time to receive objective feedback. Set the review aside while y'all process your disappointment. Then read information technology again every bit dispassionately as possible and consider the reviewer'south points. They can exist of great value, giving you of import guidance as you revise your work or get-go new writing projects.

Having a strategy to gain book reviews is an important slice of your marketing plan. Follow the steps in a higher place to gear up your volume for review, seek crowdsourced and professional reviews, and then use those reviews to sell more than books!

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