Continue to Attack the Giant Heartless While Dodging Kh3 Cutscene
The first major world in our walkthrough for Kingdom Hearts 3 is Olympus, a returning Disney-themed world from previous games.
After a nice set of cutscenes to kick off the hilariously named Kingdom Hearts II.9 section of the game, Sora, Donald, and Goofy find themselves in Olympus looking for Hercules. When you are given control, walk just a few feet in front of you and you will be in a clearing where a bunch of Heartless will appear.
There are four types of Heartless that you will have to deal with here. The large, giant Heartless with a lot of health, the armored Heartless, the flying armored Heartless, and then your run-of-the-mill normal Heartless. The big guy will need their own attention so focus on the normal ones and armored ones first. You now know the fire and water spells so don't forget about those.
Once you've taken out the normal Heartless, focus on the flying ones by either targeting them and auto-attacking or simply jumping up and attacking them. Last but not least, focus your magic and attacks on the big guy. When you are done, we recommend you open up the menu, equip any new items you have, set shortcuts for magic/items, and check out your party's abilities.
From here, you are going to want to approach the large wall with a mural on it in the back of the area. You will find out that simply approaching any glowing wall will cause you to run up it. First, run up the taller wall on the left to find a chest on the ledge up there. Then go back to the wall on the right and run up it. Once you are in front of the huge statue, turn right and run up that wall. Continue along this path to the next wall in front of you and run up it. Take a few steps and a cutscene will commence.
Once you are Sparta kicked out of the area, you will find yourself in Thebes with Hercules. Save the game and get to know the Moogle shop before walking into the next cutscene. This will initiate a fight with a lot of Heartless.
These Heartless are mainly fire-themed so be careful not to be caught on fire. Use a mix of normal attacks, water, and the flowmotion to defeat them. To do the flowmotion, jump up and press X/Square in the direction of a pillar to start swinging around it. Press A/X to attack enemies while like this. Defeat them to get the next cutscene.
Walk straight ahead and grab the large chest on your left. This will give you the map to this area. Save if you need to and head down the stairs. You will come face to face with more fire Heartless. Use normal attacks, water magic, and attacks with Donald and Goofy to take them out. Then use the Trinity Sled to slide straight across the fire to the other side.
Before jumping down, grab the little chest at the back of the wall to get a potion. Slide down the roofs and make your way to the ground below. Turn around and you will find another chest. Now run back up the wall you came from and jump off and land on the large circular platform. Run along and dive to the little alcove across from you to find a couple of enemies and a chest.
Go down below you to the ground to find more enemies to fight. Once you've defeated them, talk with the couple standing on the rocks to receive a reward. Continue along the road to where you find more fire. Use the Trinity Sled and continue on the path straight ahead instead of turning right. Walk up the stairs to the left and you will find a chest on a little ledge there. Continue up the stairs and you will return to the start of the fire.
Use Trinity Sled to go across this fire again but turn right this time. Jump down and you will find yourself in the Gardens. Immediately turn left and enter a building to fight Heartless. Talk with the man to receive a reward. Return to the path and continue along it until you reach the gazebo and save point. There is a chest inside the gazebo. Go down the stairs for another fight with fire Heartless.
Once defeated, go right and attack the right foot of the statue. It will reveal a new path. Grab the chest there and then continue along the main road. You will come to a pit of fire below and a large glowing wall to your left. Enemies will attack as you run along the wall. Jump to the alcove at the top of the second wall to find more enemies and a chest. Jump back down and follow the road.
You will come to a few Heartless attacking a woman and a girl. Save them. Continue along and ignore the fire area, and head to the Heartless past it. Save the two people there. Go to the fire, use Trinity Sled, and then head left to find a hole in the wall there. Grab the chest there. Use Trinity Sled again and go left and follow the path to get to the next area.
Go straight ahead to find some Heartless archers. Watch out for their ranged attacks. Defeat them and continue ahead to find a cutscene and a timed fight.
Timed Fight
Here, you have two and a half minutes to defeat all of the Heartless before Hercules gives out. Your enemies are the fire Heartless. While it doesn't look like a lot of enemies at first, don't let them fool you. More will spawn as you defeat them so don't waste any time. You have just unlocked Grand Magic and Keyblade form changes. These are your best friends in this fight.
Essentially, you will want to either focus on Keyblade attacks or water magic. Whichever you use, spam that to unlock the next form or magic spell. Use Y/Triangle to use these when they pop up in the bottom left corner. When you use formchange, don't forget to press Y/Triangle again before it runs out to use your special move. Continue to use these and team moves like Flare Force to defeat these enemies before the time runs out.
After this, you will find yourself in the Alleyways. Before jumping down below, run up the glowing wall on your right to find a ledge. Jump across to the grassy area and grab the chest here. Jump all the way down and follow the path into the sewers. Go right and there will be a seemingly dead end and a chest. Grab the chest and attack the wall to continue onward. This will trigger another major battle, this time a true boss fight.
Boss Battle: Giant Heartless
This is your first true boss fight in Olympus. You are up against a giant rock Heartless with a bunch of smaller enemies around. What you are going to want to do is take out the smaller guys before taking on the big boss. You are going to want to use Keyblade form changes and/or Grand Magic to do so. Team moves are great for this as well.
In addition, you are introduced to Disney attractions here as well. Your first attraction is the Pirate Ship. Use this as soon as you get it. It will swing back and forth like a pendulum and you will want to rotate it with the left thumbstick to take out the enemies. When the smaller enemies are gone, you will want to either jump up to the giant Heartless to attack it or get behind it. Its hits are powerful so be sure to use potions when necessary. Keep up form changes, Pirate Ship, and the other moves and you'll take out its few health bars quickly.
When you finish the boss fight, you will want to head to the building to the south with stairs on each side. Go to the back of it and you will find another chest. When you are ready, head northwest past the save point and Moogle shop to reach Mount Olympus.
Mount Olympus
You will find yourself in Mount Olympus with a raging river in front of you. Follow the river along until you reach a group of water elemental Heartless. We recommend sticking to Keyblade attacks for this, including the form change. When they are defeated, the river will die down. When this happens, turn around follow the river back the way you came to grab a chest.
To the left of that chest is also a weird statue of a foot. Go to the left of the statue and there are some rocks stacked up. Hop up those rocks and you can get onto the base of the statue. Then jump your way up the foot statue to its hollow ankle where the next treasure chest is located.
Then go back up the river until you come to some rocks on your left. Jump up those rocks and then run up the glowing wall. Grab the map for this area in the chest on your left under the tree. Head towards the next glowing wall and you will face some armored Heartless. Take them out and then run up the segmented glowing wall to the top. There, you will need to turn left and jump over the small gap to the other side.
Continue along the path to another glowing wall and run up it. At the top, turn left and run up the next two glowing walls. Jump down to the ground below and a group of normal Heartless will attack you. Take them out and then follow the path through a small cave and to a ledge. Grab the chest there and then go back all the way to the top where you jumped off.
You are going to want to jump down from here to where you first climbed up this area and go the opposite path that you didn't go on. This will take you to a clearing where there is a waterfall and some water Heartless. Take them out like usual and the waterfall will calm down. Climb up the wall behind the waterfall and head towards the back wall in front of you.
Go left from there and you will find a glowing wall on your left. Climb up it and some flying Heartless will spawn at the top. We recommend fighting them with either Disney attractions or magic as physical attacks can make it easy to fall off in this tiny area. When you've defeated them, turn left and run towards the sparkly rocks, which you will automatically leap across.
When you get to the solitary rock, jump to the ledge to your left. Run up either of the glowing walls to the top. From here, go along the ledge to the right past the first glowing wall to the second one. Climb up the two small walls here and you will be in a small cavern. Take out the Heartless mob and you'll be able to grab not one but two chests right next to one another and a third chest on the left wall.
Then turn back around and go up the first glowing wall that you skipped. You will end up in a large cavern. Go left to a small clearing on a ledge where you will encounter some enemies. Take the enemies out and then look over the ledge to find a pair of huge Mickey Mouse ears, otherwise known as a Lucky Emblem (more on this later).
Just to the south of this Emblem is a small ledge connected to it. Dive down and land on this ledge for another chest. Climb back up and make your way back to the large cavern. Go left once more to the same clearing but this time take a right and follow the path. Look down below for the blue circular ground. Jump down there.
This will trigger an optional mini-boss fight of sorts against some purple spiky Heartless and a sand worm. If you attack the purple Heartless from behind, they can be invulnerable sometimes so make sure to attack from the front. Be careful of the sandworm as it will occasionally go underground and come back up with a powerful attack. Defeat these enemies and then run up the glowing mural wall at the back to find a chest on a ledge.
Turn back around and climb back up to where you jumped off. Go back into the large cavern but this time go to the path directly at the back of the cave. Follow this path and it will trigger two back-to-back cutscenes. One will show Hercules leave while the other will initiate a boss fight with the massive Rock Titan.
Boss Fight: Rock Titan
This is a rather interesting fight since you will have to actually reach the Titan before you can damage it. Start off by running up the glowing wall. The Titan will clear a path for you so you can run up the next huge glowing wall. While you're running up it, it will throw down huge boulders so be sure to plan ahead and move over to dodge them. Just before you reach the top, there will be a little ledge to your left that you can jump onto. Go there and there is another chest. Climb the final bit to the top and you'll have a break for a moment. Follow the only path through a little cave with a platform on your left and one on the right. Climb up the left one and jump over to the right one to find a chest.
Continue along your original path to come to a clearing where you will be attacked by normal shadow Heartless and flying ones. Take them out and then continue along the path to the real fight with the Rock Titan. Run along the path to the large glowing wall and climb up it. Like before, dodge the huge boulders as you run up. At the top, begin mashing away at the Titan's left or right foot. Be sure to attack from behind so you don't fall off the edge (like us).
At a certain amount of health, the leg you are attacking will glow and freeze up. Then proceed to attack the other leg. When this one freezes up and glows, sparkles will begin to appear on the foot. Run towards these and Sora will automatically leap up the Rock Titan. Here, pick one of the heads and start attacking.
If you see a green circle around one of the heads, immediately hit that one to unlock the Mountain Coaster attraction. Then go ahead and use it as this is able to finish off the Rock Titan easily. Your goal here is to continuously fire at the Rock Titan. If you see a circle appear around one of the heads, quickly shoot it for massive damage.
The Mountain Coaster will go around so be sure to move the camera when necessary. Keep this up until the timer is almost out. Wait until the very last possible second to press Y/Triangle for the finishing move and it should take out the Rock Titan. If it doesn't, simply climb back up it and mash away at its heads.
With the Titan defeated, follow the ledge until you have a rock in the middle and two paths. Follow the left path to jump down below. There will be a chest in front of you there. Continue along this linear pathway until you reach the Summit. Save your game and proceed to reach the Realm of the Gods.
Realm of the Gods
You will immediately have to deal with a fight against a horde of bull-looking Heartless. These enemies pack a punch and have heavy armor. Try to survive for as long as you can and then Goofy will unlock the Trinity Guard ability for you. Use it and ram into the bulls headfirst to destroy their armor. Make sure to use the finishing move and it will take out their armor, letting you finish them off easily.
Go to the right and you will find a chest. Go to the opposite side of this large room and you will find another chest against the wall. Then go through the doorway at the very back of this room. Go up the stairs and another staircase will be in front of you. Go under the stairs to find a chest. Then go up the stairs and you will have a fight against a sandworm and normal Heartless. This is a great time to practice your new Shotlock ability. Hold down RB/R1 to target the enemies and then unleash the attack. Finish these enemies and then continue into the next area called the Corridors. Grab the map in the chest next to the save point and go up the stairs to the right and then take the stairs to your right again. There will be a chest here on your left.
Then go back down to where you entered the Corridors area and go left this time. You will find another fight against Heartless and a sandworm. Use shotlock and abilities to take them out. Then continue your way into the portal for an on-rails optional minigame. Hold down the right trigger to fire a burst of energy at enemies and jump to avoid attacks.
When you get to the end of the rail, go to the right to find a chest. Then go left and up the stairs to encounter some Heartless. Continue up the stairs and you will be able to dive off. Dive and land back in the Corridors. Head right and then left and up some stairs to come to a platform and a purple circle in front of it.
What you are going to want to do is go up the stairs to the platform and hold down RB/R1 to go into Shotlock mode. From there, quickly look up for a glowing square on one of the floating debris and press X/Square to airstep to it. Continue airstepping up the debris until you reach the top. Before you go any further, turn around and dive below. There is a building about halfway up with what looks to be a large red wrapped gift. Dive attack it and it will reveal a chest.
Go back up to the Apex and walk toward the gates to initiate a cutscene and the final boss fight for Olympus.
Boss Fight: Three Titans
Your fight this time is not with one Titan but three. At the start, you can only attack the left and right Titans. Pick one of the two to focus on first. You are going to want use the Shotlock to both damage the enemy and airstep to it. When you airstep to its face, you are able to attack it directly. Keep airstepping up and attacking that Titan and it will go down in no time.
Then you will want to turn and face the second Titan. You are going to want to do the same thing as the first one to take this one out. When you defeat the second Titan, the fight isn't over. You will be teleported to fight the Tornado Titan. It will send huge buildings and debris at you. When this happens, dodge and evade the damage.
You aren't able to damage the Tornado Titan much at first outside of Shotlock. So, keep dodging until it sucks you in and you begin diving. You are going to want to maneuver to the north over its face so you aren't hit by the debris coming out of its hands. When you get close to its face, press A/X to do a dive attack. This is your chance to hit it with a lot of blows so focus on Keyblade attacks.
It will sometimes knock you back in the air here so all you need to do is slide in the air towards it with X/Square or use Shotlock to get to it. Keep this up until you are knocked back to the ground. Repeat the same dodging of debris until the Tornado Titan sucks you back in. Then dive attack it. If that doesn't finish it off, keep attacking it normally while you are in the air to defeat it. This concludes the Olympus world.
Up Next: Kingdom Hearts 3 Tips and Strategy
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